An illustration featuring a laptop screen displaying Haskell code, with a magnifying glass highlighting the words 'Haskell QuickCheck'. The background is a dark orange with floating gears and particles, emphasizing the theme of software testing and development.

Mastering QuickCheck: Advanced yet Practical Techniques for Property-Based Testing

  • June 18 2024
  • Koz Ross


QuickCheck is a well-known testing tool in the Haskell community. At MLabs, we use QuickCheck in many of our projects and have had great success with it, often catching issues that would otherwise have been difficult or impossible to find. Despite its age, QuickCheck is still useful and has a surprising number of capabilities.

At the same time, using QuickCheck correctly and in a way that benefits you is surprisingly difficult. This difficulty is caused by a mixture of factors: a lack of documentation, examples that don't take into account realistic cases or limitations, the need to use additional tools beyond QuickCheck itself, and a lack of material around the 'overall vision' of its use and best practices. This has led to a lot of frustration with QuickCheck among many of its users, even leading to some claims of it being useless for many projects.

We believe that QuickCheck is useful but often not in an apparent way. In this article, we aim to explore the powerful capabilities of QuickCheck and demonstrate how to leverage them effectively in real-world projects. We will show a full, worked example of using QuickCheck in a modern way on an example problem that is large enough to be interesting but not so large as to dwarf the testing it is meant to help demonstrate. Along the way, we will highlight uses of QuickCheck that are less known and less documented.

An aside about arrays

To talk about testing, we need something to test. With this in mind, we will look at a small problem with a particular data structure and present a small solution. We can use the development of this small solution's API as a test target.

Arrays: the good and the bad

Arrays, in the form of multiple data items adjacent in memory, are a useful and efficient data structure. They are compact in their memory use and also have good spatial locality: because their elements are physically next to each other in memory, adjacent elements will be dragged into the cache alongside the element of interest, which improves memory use when iterating. Furthermore, arrays have constant-time indexing[1]. This makes arrays a widely useful and widely used data structure: in most languages, they are the primitive upon which all other data structures are built.

However, in functional languages (especially Haskell), we prefer the use of functional data structures, where updates produce a new structure instead of modifying an existing one. While, in theory, any structure can be made functional by making every update first perform a copy, this is inefficient, and functional data structures avoid this whenever possible. However, the memory-adjacent representation of arrays makes them unsuitable for such use. Generally, when it comes to arrays in Haskell (and other functional languages), we have three options:

  • Perform copying on updates anyway, then try to elide some of these copies using fusion techniques. This is what the vector library does. This is beneficial as it allows familiar APIs and a functional feel alongside the performance benefit of arrays, but copying is not guaranteed to be elided, even when it could be.
  • Use an 'array-like' structure, like a HAMT. This is how Clojure defines 'arrays,' and the HashMap data structure from [unordered-containers] uses a HAMT underneath as well. As a HAMT is a functional data structure, we get reduced copying, but at the cost of the performance benefit of arrays, as the data is no longer adjacent in memory.
  • Work with mutable arrays, in either IO or ST. This is also an option provided by vector and tends to be the approach in other functional languages (without explicitly marking the mutability effect). This gives us all the performance of arrays, as well as full control over copying, but this is tedious, error-prone, and prevents the use of most APIs we are familiar with in Haskell: even Functor isn't definable over a mutable array!

Ideally, we would like a 'middle ground,' allowing us to get the benefits of the array representation when it matters (indexing, traversals) while also being able to use familiar Haskell APIs like Functor and avoiding copying. One such option is the pull array. These are essentially a kind of 'array builder' and work similarly to text or ByteString builders. A pull array represents an array as a combination of length and an 'index function':

data Pull (a :: Type) = Pull Int (Int -> a)

Our use of Int here parallels that of many APIs around linear collections in Haskell[2]. Essentially, we use pull arrays to describe arrays as they are being transformed or 'modified,' avoiding the problem of copying completely. For example, consider the Functor instance for this type:

instance Functor Pull where
  fmap :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) . (a -> b) -> Pull a -> Pull b
  fmap f (Pull len g) = Pull len (f . g)

Instead of having to potentially copy an entire array, we only need to compose two functions. This approach works well in a pipeline similar to the following:

  1. We have a lot of data to process in different ways.
  2. We construct 'processing pipelines' using pull arrays, possibly reusing some more than once.
  3. Once our computations are composed, we 'execute' the pull arrays to produce new data, avoiding any intermediate copies.

Furthermore, if our desired result is not another array, we have additional options that don't result in any new arrays being produced. For example, we can define Foldable for Pull:

instance Foldable Pull where
  foldMap :: forall (a :: Type) (m :: Type) . Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Pull a -> m
  foldMap f (Pull len g) = foldMap (f . g) [0, 1 .. len - 1]

Pull arrays in the above formulation can be instances of many type classes in addition to Functor, which also gives us familiar and powerful APIs we can work with. This has led to their use in multiple places, including at least one Haskell library.

However, pull arrays are not without their limitations. Setting aside that certain operations on them are not efficient (indexing, for example), the presentation given above is inherently partial. This stems from the 'index function' having Int as its domain: while any valid index for an array is an Int, the converse isn't necessarily true. This means that, without due care, the 'index function' might be defined for some of the valid positions in the array we're representing, but not others. We can prevent this by making the Pull type closed; doing so would also limit our ability to provide useful operations. For example, consider the following:

reindex :: forall (a :: Type) . (Int -> Int) -> Pull a -> Pull a
reindex f (Pull len g) = Pull len (g . f)

This takes an 'index mapping function' from result array indexes to input array indexes, as well as an input array, producing a result whose values are determined by mapping each position of the result to a position in the input. Some examples of its use are:

-- Make an array full of the first element of arr
reindex (const 0) arr
-- Reverse arr
reindex (\ix -> length arr - 1 - ix) arr
-- Copy odd-numbered elements, but set even-numbered elements to first element
reindex (\ix -> if (ix `rem` 2 == 0) then 0 else ix) arr

This is a powerful primitive, which we would like to make available to our users, but it is flawed. Not only is it not as powerful as it could be (as we can't change the length of the array, only its contents), but it's also dangerously partial: we don't know if our 'index mapping function' produces sensible indexes! We could, in theory, address the first problem by defining reindex this way:

reindex :: forall (a :: Type) . Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Pull a -> Pull a
reindex len' f (Pull len g) = Pull len' (g . f)

However, this is even worse: now, our users have to be even more careful not to accidentally have the 'index mapping function' target indices that don't exist! On top of all this, the signature is confusing: are we mapping result indices to input indices, or the other way around?

An improvement: size indexing

The main reason we see the problems of the previous section is that our 'index functions' don't operate on 'real' indices by anything except convention. We can resolve this problem similarly to how libraries like vector-sized deal with out-of-bounds access: make the length a statically known part of the array, and instead of Int, use a tagged index type.

The idea we will use is based on a conversation regarding indexing safety in the context of vector size. At its core, it uses GHC.TypeNats and the Nat kind to provide a type-level length, then create a type representing all indexes less than this length. More precisely, we first define a way of restricting all possible Nats to only those that can be used as indexes on our platform:

  ( KnownNat n,
    n <= $(pure $ TH.LitT . TH.NumTyLit . fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Int))
  ) =>
  SizeNat (n :: Nat)
  sizeNatToInt :: Int

-- | @since 1.0.0
  ( KnownNat n,
    n <= $(pure $ TH.LitT . TH.NumTyLit . fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Int))
  ) =>
  SizeNat (n :: Nat)
  sizeNatToInt = fromIntegral (natVal' @n proxy#)

This combination takes some unpacking. SizeNat promises two things about any instance: firstly, that it is a genuine Nat (and not, for example, a stuck type family); secondly, that its value does not exceed the maximum value of Int for the platform the code was compiled on. This avoids the problems described in the aforementioned conversation and is why we need the Template Haskell splice. Since only one instance of this type class makes sense, we also provide it immediately: essentially, sizeNatToInt provides an Int equivalent to n, provided it can be a sensible array length on our platform.

With this, we can define a closed type Index:

newtype Index (n :: Nat) = Index Int

We will use SizeNat in subsequent sections to ensure sensible use of Index, as well as providing a way to construct them conveniently. Having Index in hand, we can now define the better, safer pull array:

newtype Vector (n :: Nat) (a :: Type)
  = Vector (Index n -> a)

There are three notable improvements:

  1. We no longer need to store the length, as the type explicitly defines it.
  2. Our 'index function' is now 'index-aware', making it impossible for us to 'miss indexes', for example.
  3. The type no longer needs to be closed, as the type ensures its safety.

We can still write the Functor instance, but it's now simpler[3]:

instance Functor (Vector n) where
  fmap :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) . (a -> b) -> Vector n a -> Vector n b
  fmap f (Vector g) = Vector (f. g)

Furthermore, not only can we have a fully length-general reindex, but it is also 100% safe:

reindex ::
  forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) (a :: Type).
  (Index n -> Index m) ->
  Vector m a ->
  Vector n a
reindex f (Vector g) = Vector $ g . f

As a bonus, the type of our improved reindex clearly designates which indices we are mapping from and to, making it easier for our users.

QuickCheck basics for Index correctness

First properties

Currently, Index isn't very useful as a type. Users have no way to construct values of it, and even if they were to have a value somehow, there's nothing they can do with it. At a minimum, we want to be able to do the following:

  1. Compare Indexes for equality and order;
  2. Work with Indexes as if they were numbers, especially with regard to number literal syntax.

We can do the first of these with some derivations based on the underlying Int. We'll also derive Show for future debugging purposes[4].

deriving stock instance Show (Index n)

deriving via Int instance Eq (Index n)

deriving via Int instance Ord (Index n)

For the second, we first need to decide what exactly we want Indexes to do as numbers. A natural, and convenient, option is to treat Index n as natural numbers modulo n. This gives us almost everything we need for the Num type class[5]: the only remaining decision is around fromInteger, as this will determine what literal syntax will do. Unfortunately, fromInteger overloads syntax for all integers, including negative ones. To make this work, and arguably to borrow a useful feature, we will use the 'wrap-around' behavior of Python list indexes: thus, -1 will mean 'last valid position', -2 will mean 'second-to-last valid position' etc. While this will allow very large wrap-arounds, it means we can avoid partiality. Here is our attempt at implementation:

-- This has a bug!
instance (1 <= n, SizeNat n) => Num (Index n) where
  Index x + Index y = Index $ (x + y) `rem` sizeNatToInt @n
  Index x * Index y = Index $ (x * y) `rem` sizeNatToInt @n
  negate (Index x) =
    if x == 0
      then Index 0
      else Index $ sizeNatToInt @n - x
  abs = id
  signum ix = min ix (Index 1)
  fromInteger x = case signum x of
    (-1) -> fromInteger . negate $ x
    0 -> Index 0
    _ -> Index . fromIntegral $ x `rem` fromIntegral (sizeNatToInt @n)

We define negate instead of -: effectively, the additive inverse of an index is its 'mirror twin' reflected about 0. For example, given the values of Index 5, we would have:

  • negate 0 = 0
  • negate 1 = 4
  • negate 2 = 3
  • negate 3 = 2
  • negate 4 = 1

We use a similar idea for fromInteger. This gives us the Pythonesque literal behavior for indexes. However, can we be sure this is correct? The functionality is not trivial and, in fact, contains a mistake already!

We will now use QuickCheck to verify our instance. Our first step is to think of a property to test: some kind of equational relationship that QuickCheck will try to find a counter-example for. For a type class, the starting point should be its laws; however, Num technically doesn't have any, and in particular, since we don't have an instance of Integral, even the suggested laws don't help us with regard to fromInteger. However, if we assume that what we're defining with instance Num (Index n) are integers modulo n, we expect fromInteger to be the ring homomorphism from Integer to Index n. This gives us three laws:

  • fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j)
  • fromInteger i * fromInteger j = fromInteger (i * j)
  • fromInteger 1 = 1

We will focus on the first of these. To begin with, we need to provide a way for QuickCheck to work with Indexes, by way of an Arbitrary instance. This gives us two capabilities: a way of pseudorandomly generating Indexes (a generator), and a way of taking an Index which is part of a counter-example and 'simplifying' it (a shrinker). The shrinker in particular is crucial for QuickCheck to be useful—without one, counter-examples can easily end up too complex for us to even make sense of, much less diagnose. Additionally, we must ensure that:

  • The generator is fair: we should not bias ourselves in what values of Index we can generate.
  • The shrinker is terminating: we have at least one value which is seen as 'the simplest' and no longer shrinks.

A suitable instance would be:

instance (1 <= n, SizeNat n) => Arbitrary (Index n) where
  arbitrary :: Gen (Index n)
  arbitrary = Index <$> chooseInt (0, sizeNatToInt @n - 1)
  shrink :: Index n -> [Index n]
  shrink (Index ix) = do
    ix' <- shrink ix
    guard (ix' < 0)
    pure . Index $ ix'

The generator uses the built-in chooseInt, which is both efficient for the type we need, and also fair in the given (inclusive) range. We effectively 'borrow' a generator for Int, but impose additional constraints on it, based on the SizeNat type class, to ensure the internal invariants of Index are preserved. The shrinker is worth further examination. According to its type, it takes an Index n and produces a list of Index ns: rather than producing a literal linear collection, we view it as a stream of 'simpler' values than the input, or, looking at it another way, as a nondeterministic search for such values. In this sense, our use of guard makes sense here: it specifies that if we 'shrink into' an Int that is below 0, we should cut off that search branch. As with the generator, we 'borrow' the underlying behavior of Int, but constrain it to ensure we don't violate the invariants of Index.

Armed with this instance, let us try to verify the property fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j). To do this, we will use tasty and tasty-quickcheck:

main :: IO ()
main = 
  defaultMain . testGroup "Properties" $
    [ testGroup
        [ testProperty "fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j)" $ fiProp1 @1000

fiProp1 ::
  forall (n :: Nat).
  (SizeNat n, 1 <= n) =>
fiProp1 = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink show $ \(i, j) ->
  fromInteger i + fromInteger j === fromInteger @(Index n) (i + j)

This is a standard pattern for setting up a property test in tasty: define a top-level group, define (or use) a sub-group per type, and then use testProperty to specify what we want checked. The property implementation is almost a word-for-word translation but makes use of a few important techniques[6]:

  • We use ===, which relies on Eq to verify the property holds.
  • We use forAllShrinkShow, then provide explicit (if Arbitrary and Show-based in this case) implementations of a generator, shrinker, and debug visualizer.
  • We generate two values at once by using the derived Arbitrary instance for pairs.

While not strictly necessary in this case, it is a good idea to use forAllShrinkShow and explicit functions for generation, shrinking, and showing, for reasons that will become apparent in future sections. It also allows writing tests against types without Arbitrary instances, which can be useful if you want to avoid orphan instances, for example.

Before running anything, we want to ensure we get the best output and the fastest tests we can. Firstly, we need to make sure we're using direct output: the easiest method for this is adding the following to your cabal.project:

test-show-details: direct

This ensures that we get output both on success and on failure, and we receive the output as the tests complete, not all at once at the end. Secondly, we want to ensure tests are being run in parallel: the easiest way to achieve this is to add the following entry to the test-suite stanza in the Cabal file:

ghc-options:    -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N

This will compile our tests to enable parallel execution and will run with as much parallelism as our system permits.

With this done, we run our tests with cabal test and see the following:

    fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j): FAIL
      *** Failed! Falsified (after 4 tests and 3 shrinks):
      Index 2 /= Index 0
      Use --quickcheck-replay=180885 to reproduce.

QuickCheck has found this issue after a small number of tests but also simplified it as much as it could. However, even with this, it's difficult to understand what exactly we're being told here: on the one hand, we see a pair of (-1, 1), but on the other hand, the failure of the test was due to Index 2 /= Index 0. It is difficult to see the relationship between these, and while in this case, we can probably infer what needs fixing, for more complex cases, this can be a serious issue.

Before we go any further and attempt to fix this breakage, let's make the output more readable. Luckily for us, QuickCheck provides us with a way of reproducing the same sequence of events that led to the failure we saw, by way of --quickcheck-replay. This is useful in other contexts as well, especially on collaborative projects where not everyone may know enough to fix an issue, as it makes reproducing a case easy.

There are two issues with the output: firstly, while we generate a pair, we never actually use it as such; secondly, it's not clear how our inputs translate to the failure output. This fixes both issues:

fiProp1 ::
  forall (n :: Nat).
  (SizeNat n, 1 <= n) =>
fiProp1 = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink showCases $ \(i, j) ->
  let ixI :: Index n = fromInteger i
      ixJ :: Index n = fromInteger j
   in counterexample ("fromInteger i = " <> show ixI)
        . counterexample ("fromInteger j = " <> show ixJ)
        $ ixI + ixJ === fromInteger (i + j)
    showCases :: (Integer, Integer) -> String
    showCases (i, j) = "i = " <> show i <> ", j = " <> show j

This is an example of where forAllShrinkShow shines: it allows us to display our generated values in a way that is easier to understand in the context of the test. We use this to 'name' the generated values relative to the test's own name. Secondly, we make use of a counterexample: this is a 'property modifier' function that takes a String and a property and produces a new property where the String is added to the output in case it fails. Here, we show exactly what Indexes we get from our arguments, once again using their 'names' from the test's name. With this, we can present failures in a way that's easier for a human to understand. This is what we see if we re-run the case with cabal test --test-option=--quickcheck-replay=180885:

    fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j): FAIL
      *** Failed! Falsified (after 4 tests and 3 shrinks):
      i = -1, j = 1
      fromInteger i = Index 1
      fromInteger j = Index 1
      Index 2 /= Index 0
      Use --quickcheck-replay=180885 to reproduce.

Much better! We can now see clearly what's happening here: we're not dealing correctly with negative Integers. In particular, -1 as a literal does not refer to the last index as it should. Looking at our implementation of fromInteger, we can fix this problem as follows:

  fromInteger x = case signum x of
      -- This line is the key
      (-1) -> negate . fromInteger . negate $ x
      0 -> Index 0
      _ -> Index . fromIntegral $ x `rem` fromIntegral (sizeNatToInt @n)

This essentially performs a 'double reflection': first, we 'reflect' the Integer input about 0, then convert it to an Index, then 'reflect' again[7]. We missed that second 'reflection' in our initial attempt. Now, verifying whether this fixes our implementation using cabal test --test-option=--quickcheck-replay=180885:

    fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j): OK
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

It seems that our problem is resolved. However, we can't be sure of this: the next section will explain why, and what we can do about it.

Running more, running better

According to the output of our previous property test, QuickCheck ran 100 tests. While better than no tests at all, 100 tests aren't a very meaningful number. Consider our property definition: we ask for two arbitrary Integers. How much coverage of our possibilities could 100 tests provide? With so few tests, we can't be sure that we're not getting a false negative: we pass (that is, find no counter-examples) not because none exist, but because we didn't look hard enough[8]!

While it isn't generally possible to prevent false negatives of this kind (as this would require an exhaustive search), we can make it less likely by running more tests. tasty makes this straightforward:

main :: IO ()
main =
  defaultMain . adjustOption moreTests . testGroup "Properties" $
    [ testGroup
        [ testProperty "fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j)" $ fiProp1 @1000
    moreTests :: QuickCheckTests -> QuickCheckTests
    moreTests = max 10_000

Here, we are making use of tasty's options: individual adjustments to different kinds of tests that can be applied to anything ranging from an individual test to a whole group of such. adjustOption modifies an option for those tests it is applied to: here, we are modifying QuickCheckTests, provided by tasty-quickcheck. Using adjustOption in this way forces at least 10,000 tests to run, which makes false negatives much less likely:

    fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j): OK (0.02s)
      +++ OK, passed 10000 tests.

However, if we want to run more tests, we can request that via the command-line API. For example, if we wanted 20,000 tests instead, we would use cabal test --test-option=--quickcheck-tests=20000:

    fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j): OK (0.03s)
      +++ OK, passed 20000 tests.

This way, we simultaneously ensure a reasonable number of tests but don't prevent more if someone wants them.

This raises an interesting question: how many tests are 'enough'? In general, there's no good answer to this question. While in theory, 'as many as possible' is a valid answer, it isn't very practical, as it can make tests take a very long time, and tests that run slowly often become tests that never run (because everyone skips them). Furthermore, in the context of CI, longer-running tests mean longer development cycles. Lastly, if your test's values come from a truly finite type, there is an upper limit to the number of useful tests, as beyond that, all you're doing is re-running cases. Generally, we recommend:

  • For large (or infinite) types, run at least tens of thousands of tests.
  • For small types, run between 3 and 4 times the type's size in tests.

We found this to be a good compromise between avoiding false negatives and keeping tests fast.

Testing Vector, introducing CoArbitrary

So far, we have used QuickCheck for tests around concrete, non-function, non-higher-kinded values; in this form, QuickCheck is familiar to many. However, QuickCheck can work with higher-kinded polymorphic types and even functions.

To demonstrate, let's consider reindex again. If it is implemented correctly, we expect the following to hold[9]:

reindex f . reindex g = reindex (g . f)

To see why, suppose f :: Index n1 -> Index n2 and g :: Index n2 -> Index n3. Thus, reindex f . reindex g is like first constructing an array indexed by Index n2, then using it to construct another array indexed by Index n1. We also see that g . f :: Index n1 -> Index n3: essentially, we 'bypass' the intermediate array completely by computing indexes directly from the result that we want, instead of having an intermediate 'lookup table'. We would like to test this property, not only because of the flexibility of this function, but also to prevent any regressions (for example, on a representation change). A direct attempt to write such a property would look something like this:

-- Will not work
reindexProp ::
  forall (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) (n3 :: Nat).
  (SizeNat n1, 1 <= n1, SizeNat n2, 1 <= n2, SizeNat n3, 1 <= n3) =>
reindexProp = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink show $
  \(f :: Index n1 -> Index n2, g :: Index n2 -> Index n3, v) ->
    (reindex f . reindex g $ v) === reindex (g . f) v

We hit a roadblock almost immediately, though: what should the type of v's elements be? While we could pick a concrete type, this feels wrong: it should not matter at all what exact type is in a Vector as far as reindex is concerned. This is a common case for 'structural' operations on linear collections: if the function is meant to work over the 'structure' of the collection, the type of its contents shouldn't be relevant.

To this end, QuickCheck provides the types A, B, and C in Test.QuickCheck.Poly. These are supposed to represent type parameters that are not relevant to the property, to 'fill in' any polymorphic type arguments. These types have only the minimal necessary capability to enable QuickCheck to work with them, but nothing else: by using them, we simulate a parametric case:

-- Still will not work, but closer
reindexProp ::
  forall (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) (n3 :: Nat).
  (SizeNat n1, 1 <= n1, SizeNat n2, 1 <= n2, SizeNat n3, 1 <= n3) =>
reindexProp = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink show $
  \(f :: Index n1 -> Index n2, g :: Index n2 -> Index n3, v :: Vector n3 A) ->
    (reindex f . reindex g $ v) === reindex (g . f) v

This leads to GHC emitting an error like this:

Could not deduce (Arbitrary (Vector n3 A)) arising from a use of ‘arbitrary’

This is not surprising, as we haven't defined an Arbitrary instance for Vector. However, if we try, we can't even get off the ground:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Vector n a) where
  arbitrary = Vector <$> _ -- what possibly goes here?

To fill that hole, we need something whose type is Gen (Index n -> a). However, how would we obtain such a thing? Arbitrarily generating a function feels like a completely different problem from generating a non-function value. If we soldier on, and see if QuickCheck has some solution, we are even more confused:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Vector n a) where
  arbitrary = Vector <$> arbitrary
  -- Gives an error similar to this:
  -- Could not deduce (Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.CoArbitrary (Index n))

What is CoArbitrary and why do we need it? Looking at its definition:

class CoArbitrary (a :: Type) where
  coarbitrary :: forall (b :: Type) . a -> Gen b -> Gen b

The intent of coarbitrary becomes more clear if we place the implicit parentheses back into its type: forall (b :: Type) . a -> (Gen b -> Gen b). Essentially, this says that, given a value of type a, for any other type b, we can 'perturb' or 'affect' a generator for b based on a value of a. This enables QuickCheck to generate arbitrary functions:

instance (CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a -> b)

Essentially, to generate a function of type a -> b, we use the function's input to 'perturb' the generator for the type of the function's output. This way, arguments affect the output of the function, but the results for any given input are still pseudorandom. Notably, values of type a are used in a read-only manner: we don't have to worry about invariants.

To define an instance of CoArbitrary for Index n, we can 'borrow' the CoArbitrary instance for Int:

instance CoArbitrary (Index n) where
  coarbitrary (Index i) = coarbitrary i

This is safe, as even though Index has internal invariants, we use its representation in a read-only manner. With this, we can define arbitrary for Vector, but shrink is a problem:

-- Compiles, but doesn't do what you think!
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Vector n a) where
  arbitrary = Vector <$> arbitrary
  shrink (Vector f) = Vector <$> shrink f

The problem here is that shrink is not a mandatory method of Arbitrary, and some instances leave it out: in our particular case, the instance for Arbitrary (a -> b) does this. If omitted, the method is equivalent to 'do not shrink'. This is a problem, as, without a shrinker, QuickCheck has no way to simplify counter-examples. As we have seen before, this is an important capability of QuickCheck, and giving it up makes it much more difficult for us. We need a different technique to solve this problem.

Better functions with Function

The problem of shrinking generated functions (as well as some others) led to the development of a different method of generation, as described in "Shrinking and showing functions." The method described there relies on a different type class:

class Function (a :: Type) where
  function :: forall (c :: Type) . (a -> c) -> a :-> c

We can think of a :-> c as an explicit partial function. More exactly, a :-> c is represented as a table of pairs of a and c (that is, input and output): in this sense, it is explicit[10]. However, instead of generating the entire table up-front (which may not even be possible if a is infinite), the table is produced on demand: in this sense, it is partial, as it's not necessarily defined everywhere. Whenever we need an output we don't have a pairing for, we generate one, but if we already have a pairing in the table, we re-use it.

This representation enables shrinking, as we can shrink the table representing the function. However, it also enables other capabilities, most notably show. It is also compositional: we can use this representation to construct instances for functions of multiple arguments conveniently, for example.

The function method essentially enables the construction of this tabular representation: given a way of taking an a to any other type c, this is used as a basis for the explicit partial function. Specifically, the provided mapping a -> c is used to build 'table entries' on demand. As with coarbitrary, function uses a in a read-only manner only, meaning that we don't need to worry about internal invariants on a's values.

Similarly to the coarbitrary implementation for Index, we can re-use the Function instance for Int to implement function for Index. However, we can't do this as easily as for coarbitrary, as :-> is a closed type. Instead, we have to use a helper functionMap:

functionMap :: forall (b :: Type) (a :: Type) (c :: Type) .
  Function b =>
  (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> (a -> c) -> a :-> c

functionMap requires two arguments to construct a valid definition of function for a type of our choice: a way to transform the type we want an instance for (a in this example) to another type which already has an instance (b in this example), and a way to 'undo' that transformation. Put another way, for functionMap f g, we expect that f . g = g . f = id. Using functionMap, we can 'borrow' the Function instance of b, but use it for a. To make this clearer, let's specialize functionMap for Index n, as well as restoring some implicit parentheses:

functionMap :: forall (b :: Type) (n :: Nat) (c :: Type) . 
  Function b =>
  (Index n -> b) -> (b -> Index n) -> ((Index n -> c) -> Index n :-> c)

An easy choice for b would be Int. However, at first, this seems unsafe: Index n -> Int is not a problem, but Int -> Index n potentially could be, as not every Int would satisfy the necessary invariants. However, functionMap ensures that it never calls its second argument on any 'new' values: functionMap f g will only call g on results of f, not arbitrary values. Thus, we won't run into any issues with the following:

instance Function (Index n) where
  function = functionMap (\(Index i) -> i) Index

To make use of the new capabilities the Function type class provides, QuickCheck has a type Fun, which can be 'unwrapped' to obtain the function so generated. We use applyFun to turn Fun a b into a -> b. However, while we can rewrite arbitrary to use Fun, shrink is still a problem:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Vector n a) where
  arbitrary = Vector . applyFun <$> arbitrary
  -- How do we turn a function back into a Fun?
  shrink (Vector f) = Vector . applyFun <$> (shrink _ $ f)

We can still achieve our goals of a proper shrinking, but we have to change strategy.

Test case data types

Given everything we have seen so far, reindex's property is proving much more difficult to write, not least of all because it requires complex test data. To make this easier, we want to put this data in a form that factors this complexity out of the property implementation. By doing this, we don't clutter the property and also have the opportunity for finer-grained control where needed.

To test the law reindex f . reindex g = reindex (g . f), we need three Funs: Fun (Index n1) (Index n2),  Fun (Index n2) (Index n3), and Fun (Index n3) A (to construct a Vector). Let's write a data type which bundles these:

data ReindexPropData (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) (n3 :: Nat)
  = ReindexPropData
      (Fun (Index n1) (Index n2))
      (Fun (Index n2) (Index n3))
      (Fun (Index n3) A)

deriving stock instance Show (ReindexPropData n1 n2 n3)

We can define Arbitrary for this type by re-using arbitrary and shrink:

  (SizeNat n1, 1 <= n1, SizeNat n2, 1 <= n2, SizeNat n3, 1 <= n3) =>
  Arbitrary (ReindexPropData n1 n2 n3)
  arbitrary = ReindexPropData <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
  shrink (ReindexPropData f g v) =
    ReindexPropData <$> shrink f <*> shrink g <*> shrink v

We can see that the Function instance for Index is being used by the constraints we are required to fulfill. Lastly, we can provide a helper function to convert a ReindexPropData into something more useful for us in property definitions:

toReindexPropData ::
  forall (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) (n3 :: Nat).
  ReindexPropData n1 n2 n3 ->
  (Index n1 -> Index n2, Index n2 -> Index n3, Vector n3 A)
toReindexPropData (ReindexPropData f g v) =
  (applyFun f, applyFun g, Vector . applyFun $ v)

We can now rewrite our property definition to use our new data type:

-- Better, but not there yet!
reindexProp ::
  forall (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) (n3 :: Nat).
  (SizeNat n1, 1 <= n1, SizeNat n2, 1 <= n2, SizeNat n3, 1 <= n3) =>
reindexProp = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink show $
  \(testData :: ReindexPropData n1 n2 n3) ->
    let (f, g, v) = toReindexPropData testData
     in (reindex f . reindex g $ v) === reindex (g . f) v

This approach has numerous advantages: we have now separated generation logic from property logic, we can modify the exact way we generate without having to modify the test (as long as toReindexPropData continues to work as previously), and if we need to, we can have ReindexPropData show itself differently. This can also be used to work around the problem of types that don't have Arbitrary instances.

However, this doesn't solve all of our problems. We still have the following error from GHC:

Could not deduce (Eq (Vector n1 A)) arising from a use of ‘===’

This is because we never defined equality for Vector, as in general, functions can't be compared for equality. While in theory, we could do this in our case (as Index is a finitary type), it makes more sense for us to instead 'execute' a Vector into some other type for which we have Eq. Given the Foldable example for Pull from the beginning, we would want a Foldable instance for Vector as well. To achieve this, we need a small helper function[11]:

indices :: forall (n :: Nat). SizeNat n => [Index n]
indices = Index <$> [0, 1 .. sizeNatToInt @n - 1]

With this available, we can define Foldable for Vector[12]:

instance SizeNat n => Foldable (Vector n) where
  foldMap f (Vector g) = foldMap (f . g) $ indices @n

Based on this instance, we can 'execute' our Vector results in the test into lists for the purposes of comparing them:

-- This one will work!
reindexProp ::
  forall (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) (n3 :: Nat).
  (SizeNat n1, 1 <= n1, SizeNat n2, 1 <= n2, SizeNat n3, 1 <= n3) =>
reindexProp = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink show $
  \(testData :: ReindexPropData n1 n2 n3) ->
    let (f, g, v) = toReindexPropData testData
     in toList (reindex f . reindex g $ v) === toList (reindex (g . f) v)

When we run the test with cabal test, we can see that it passes:

    fromInteger i + fromInteger j = fromInteger (i + j): OK (0.02s)
      +++ OK, passed 10000 tests.
    reindex f . reindex g = reindex (g . f):             OK (12.32s)
      +++ OK, passed 10000 tests.

However, this is a slow test. Unfortunately, the price we pay for sensible shrinking and showability is that Fun is slower than using CoArbitrary.

Conclusion and some practices

QuickCheck possesses a surprising amount of capabilities, but using it successfully requires knowledge which is rarely documented well. Additionally, we often have to use other tools to assist us and use techniques which are not apparent at first glance. We covered a few of these here:

  • How to write generators and shrinkers.
  • The importance of shrinking.
  • Using forAllShrinkShow for maximum flexibility and control over property definitions.
  • Using counterexample to help present counterexamples in the easiest way for a human to make sense of.
  • Proper options for good test performance.
  • How to replay failing cases.
  • Why running more tests matters, and how to do it.
  • How to define 'test data types' and why this is useful.

But most importantly, we covered CoArbitrary and Function, and how these enable us to generate, shrink, and even show arbitrary functions. This allows us to write properties that seem impossible without knowing about them, but come with some limitations of their own, both in terms of capabilities and in terms of performance.

QuickCheck is a widely used tool at MLabs, and there are additional capabilities and techniques for its use we didn't discuss here. While using it properly can be a challenge, and no single clear explanation for its proper use exists, we wrote this to assist others in getting the most out of this capable and powerful tool. With this, your tests can become more useful, clearer, and more thorough, and you can benefit from this as we do.

We have made all the code used in this article available online.

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  1. Insofar as this is even possible at all.
  2. Even though this is arguably not a good idea: it doesn't parallel C, and creates a lot of issues with partiality.
  3. You can also do something like deriving via ((->) (Index n)) instance Functor (Vector n), since we have a newtype  now. Probably not useful here, but it can be used for other useful instances.
  4. We don't need standalone or via derivations here: we could have used the regular deriving mechanism too.
  5. A better, and easier, approach would be to use Semiring from semirings, but it won't add new capabilities, and Num is more familiar.
  6. Worth noting as well that you should always import QuickCheck-related identifiers from QuickCheck itself, not tasty-quickcheck, as that way, you know exactly what version you are getting. This is an ongoing issue.
  7. Arguably this is inefficient: we don't need to do two reflections. However, for our purposes, this is good enough..
  8. This is a strong counter-argument to the use of Template Haskell to 'pick up' QuickCheck properties from your codebase: in addition to being soupy and requiring odd practices, we have zero control over how many tests QuickCheck will run.
  9. This is secretly contravariant fusion.
  10. This is in some ways similar to the set-theoretical representation of (unary) functions as a set of input-output pairs.
  11. Alternatively, we could define Bounded and Enum for Index. However, this is both less safe and more restrictive: we would be limited to non-empty Index types (even though foldMap still makes sense over empty structures), and Enum is riddled with issues of partiality.
  12. In practice, there are several methods of Foldable we would want to overload here, particularly length and null, since they can be done without having to 'execute' the Vector.

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